

Mandate Agreement With No Representation

Questo servizio nasce dall’esigenza di professionisti che hanno le idee chiare riguardo l’immobile da acquistare, ma spesso non hanno tempo e competenza per trovare la casa dei loro sogni. Grazie all’ausilio di professionisti del settore, riuscirai a trovare una casa nella zona che desideri e soprattutto all’altezza delle tue aspettative.

We explain how in 5 steps:

Reserved meeting at our office in Rome to define details and budget.

Firma dell’incarico e analisi dei tempi per la conclusione dell’affare.
Financial analysis for the resolution of a possible mortgage or leasing

Market analysis and viewings planning.

Due diligence carried out by qualified internal staff: urban, cadastral and mortgage.

• Proposta.
• Preliminare.
• Atto notarile.


Matching family and work commitments can be quite difficult. We offer the solution!
A private chauffeur will pick you up and will drive you to the property for the viewing

P.S. Il servizio va organizzato con un preavviso minimo di 5 g.g. lavorativi e non è operativo nei giorni festivi.

Legal Assistance

We avail ourselves of the legal assistance provided by the lawyer Antonello Lupo from the prestigious firm UGHI E NUNZIANTE. Consultants and professionals with specific knowledge in the Real Estate industry will make the sale clear and simple, in accordance with legal and tax regulations.

Luxury Concierge

Vuoi vivere a Roma ma hai bisogno di una persona di fiducia che ti possa consigliare come far combaciare le tue necessità con i servizi locali?
Do you have a unique evening ahead and want everything to be perfect?
Do you have to organize a dinner or a birthday and you don't know where to go?
We have the answer for all these questions!

Luxus is the Luxury Concierge that will help you experiencing the eternal city, our inimitable Rome!

Interior Architect

In partnership with Mama Design, we offer you the opportunity to have your new home designed by local architects with international experience, who will allow you to enhance your new home and make it as you have always imagined.

Mama Design represents the perfect combination of taste and professionalism, and we are happy with our long partnership which allowed us to conduct many unique renovations in wonderful contexts.

Contact Us

Book an Appointment

Call us or send us a message for any question you may have.
